
If high-risk wildfire conditions threaten a portion of the electric system serving your community, it may be necessary for us as a last resort to turn off electricity in the interest of public safety. This is called a Public 安全 Power Shutoff (PSPS).


We understand that businesses rely on electric service and these events can have significant impacts to operations. This is especially true for services and facilities that are essential to public safety, 包括但不限于医院, 警察局和消防局, communications services and water providers. 

During a PSPS event we aim to minimize these impacts as much as possible and to send early warning notifications via phone calls, 文本警报, 关掉电源前收发邮件. You can also stay updated with our PSPS 手机应用程序. 了解更多关于我们的应用程序.


可持续发展目标中的关键设施&E’s service territory may require additional time to prepare for PSPS events. Customers who have been identified as a Critical Facility may receive additional notifications before a PSPS is initiated.

每个月,可持续发展目标&E updates the list of 关键设施及 seeks to maintain an updated directory of emergency contacts from these customers. These contacts are essential to ensuring that your facility is contacted before, 在, 以及在PSPS事件之后. 此外,西班牙&E will survey these customers to assess their emergency preparedness and their backup generation capabilities. 这有助于实现可持续发展目标&E determine Circuits of concern that may need additional support 在 a PSPS.

If you have been identified as a Critical Facility, please ensure your contact information is up to date by clicking the Survey Link below or contacting your assigned Account Executive.


Critical Facility and Critical Infrastructure Definition

The terms "critical facilities" and "critical infrastructure" refer to facilities and infrastructure that are essential to public safety and that require additional assistance and advance planning to ensure resiliency 在 PSPS events. The following are the types of customers and infrastructure the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) defines as "critical facilities" and "critical infrastructure.“*西班牙&E customers and infrastructure meeting this definition receive the additional resources outlined above 在 outages.

Critical Facility and Infrastructure Customer Types


  • 警察局
  • 消防局
  • 紧急行动中心
  • 部落政府提供者
  • 公共安全回答要点


  • 学校

  • 监狱和监狱
  • 无家可归者收容所
  • 社区中心
  • 老年活动中心
  • Independent Living Centers, as defined by the California Department of Rehabilitation
  • Voting centers and vote tabulation facilities


  • 公共卫生部门
  • 医疗设施,包括医院, 熟练的护理设施, 养老院, 血库, 卫生保健设施, dialysis centers and hospice facilities (excluding doctors’ offices and other non-essential facilities)
  • 冷却(或升温)中心
  • Temporary facilities established for public health emergencies


  • Public and private utility facilities vital to 维护 or restoring normal service, 包括, 但不限于, interconnected publicly-owned utilities and electric cooperatives


  • Facilities associated with the provision of drinking water or processing of wastewater, 包括用于抽水的设施, 转移, 运输, 商店, 处理和输送水或废水


  • Communication carrier infrastructure 包括 selective routers, 中央办公室, 头结束, 细胞开关, 远程终端和蜂窝站点


  • Facilities associated with the provision of manufacturing, 维护, or distributing hazardous materials and chemicals


  • Emergency Feeding Organizations, as defined in 7 U.S.C. § 7501​


  • 汽车相关设施, 铁路, 航空, 主要公共交通工具, and maritime 运输ation for civilian and military purposes
  • 交通管理系统


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Wildfire and PSPS 安全 提示 and Recommendations
Wildfire and PSPS 安全 提示 and Recommendations
Stay informed - provide (24-hour) business contact and resiliency resources.
Stay informed - provide (24-hour) business contact and resiliency resources.


Confirm your 关键的设备 Information
使用我们的 web表单 to confirm your critical facility information.

使用我们的 web表单 to request a back-up power assessment for your critical facility.

If you believe your business should be designated as a Critical Facility, please email our 关键设施及 Infrastructure team at (电子邮件保护)

访问 jinken-fukuoka.com/psps 下载 西班牙&E警报 手机应用程序.

*As outlined in Public 安全 Power Shutoff Phase 1 Decision 19-05-042, Phase 2 Decision 20-05-051 and Phase 3 Decision 21-06-034. Note, these decisions are subject to change.
* *西班牙&E is not responsible for providing backup power before or 在 a de-energization.